Saturday, June 18, 2022

is aging a disease?

is aging a disease? can it be cured or reversed? if it is, nobody has discovered it as yet. except maybe yogis. i know of a friend who took up yoga when she retired. as years go by, she looks younger and younger! i took yoga classes once upon a time. there was an instructor who was a 70+ year old gentleman who looks like he is in his 50s and he was more flexible than the then 30+ year old me. 

so, sitting down doing nothing does not slow down wear and tear. if anything, it weakens the muscles and one will then experiences the aches and pains that supposedly comes with age!! take up yoga!! nothing is suppose to come with age! the only thing that causes all the pains of growing old is laziness...

which brings me to another a question... i wonder if procrastination afflicts the goldies....

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there seem to be alot of fear in growing old. but are the fears real or is it all in the mind. there are some goldies out there who live fea...